• As Apple’s IDFA changes near, games that rely on ads targeted by highly personal information will see significant or complete revenue declines.
  • Fortunately, a contextual targeting revolution is underway. Contextual offers brands and developers a powerful, effective option that can be entirely resilient to the coming IDFA challenges.

  • Advertisers and brands have nothing to fear, as intelligent contextual in-game ads can still deliver precise targeting, lift CTR, elevate engagement and bring developers considerable monetisation.

  • Audio ads have always had multiple contextual targeting strengths. AudioMob’s in-game audio ads take things to a new level, offering brands and games an extremely healthy future in the wake of the IDFA changes.
  • The AudioMob format has seen brands enjoy 1000%+ relative CTR increases, all without interrupting players. That will not change following the full iOS14 roll out.

At AudioMob we’ve built a truly original audio ad format for games, and one that is highly resilient to the looming IDFA changes due to be brought in by Apple as part of its iOS14 update.

Simply put, advertisers and brands that use AudioMob’s ad format will still be able to reach relevant, highly engaged audiences using our format. At the same time game developers and publishers will continue to see impressive monetisation when integrating AudioMob into their titles. In other words, AudioMob lets you mitigate IDFA concerns entirely.

And it’s not that we’ve rebuilt our technology to adapt to the IDFA changes. Rather, our audio ads have always had that resilience built in as standard.Apple’s changes, of course, focus on giving users the option to block IDFA identifiers at an app level. Each time a user opens an app for the first time, they will be asked if they accept the app tracking them while collecting and sharing their data. It’s expected that between 70% and 95% of users will choose not to give such permission; something troubling a great many that work in advertising, adtech and mobile games.

Back when video ads emerged as a feasible if particularly intrusive means to monetise free-to-play mobile games, adtech outfits in the video space embraced the idea of highly personalised ads with relish. They focused on hyper-granular targeting, reducing CPM at the expense of developer monetisation, and were besotted by the idea of serving ads to extremely narrow demographics, with much talk of ‘one-to-one advertising’.

Contextual Power
Through that process, video ads for games abandoned their contextual heritage. With the IDFA changes drawing ever closer, suddenly the incredible strengths and advantages of contextual advertising are looking rather more appealing.

With contextual advertising, a great deal of information about a user or group of users can be deduced, all without requiring IDFA tracking. And while our audio ads for games present an entirely new format, audio ads boardly have been offering contextual advertising for many years; a powerful heritage our technology hasn’t forgotten. 

So how are AudioMob ads resilient to the changes Apple are soon to introduce?

Primarily, we can offer a powerful contextual targeting solution. AudioMob can use a wealth of on-device information that doesn’t intrude upon user privacy, providing brands and advertisers with a means to deliver targeted, impactful campaigns. Everything from battery level, time of day and location to usage peaks, content type and accelerometer data can provide a detailed impression of user behaviour and likely demographic. Our technology can understand player behaviour and target ads based on that; it’s a powerful approach we’ve always harnessed.

A New Generation of Context
And don’t be mistaken. This is far from a step back. While many adtech providers have focused devotedly on IDFA-based personalisation, contextual targeting has come a long way, and we’ve put a great deal of effort into optimising the contextual ability of our format.

Far from the adtech space being defined by a ‘contextual revival’ following Apple’s IDFA changes, there will be a ‘contextual revolution’, and we’re filled with excitement about being at the forefront of that change.

And AudioMob will continue to bring all the other gains of the audio revolution. Thanks to a boom in podcasts and music streaming, audio ads have become a well established entity, and as well as not intruding on the content they are delivered with, they are trusted by consumers.

As such, with Apple yet to make it’s changes, we’re seeing brands enjoy relative CTR improvements of well over 1,000%, while developers enjoy healthy spikes in CPM and even retention. Our audio ads for games have been proven to deliver remarkable impact for brands and games makers, and that won’t change following Apple’s full rollout of iOS14.